getting to know me

My life is unique and filled with happiness!  That's why I love events so much, 
because they focus on life's greatest moments and have such a fun energy for all to enjoy.

From a young age I didn't just have a normal little girl's tea party... instead, I turned our entire house into a restaurant.  I would make menus, rearrange our coffee table, end tables and card tables into a restaurant layout and serve my parents pop tarts, PJ sandwich's and lemonade.  Growing up I moved around with the Navy as an NCIS kid- like the TV show!  I got to experience many places, cultures and cuisines which only emphasized my love for entertaining.  I loved going to the Officer's Club for dinner and carefully unfold the napkins and refold it according to the creases.  So silly!

In college I began working for the president of my university as the events intern, took cooking/hospitality courses, worked at a hotel and for catering companies in Washington State and Hawaii.  In 2009 I moved to Washington D.C. and began working for the Smithsonian Institution in their special events office.  I was able to assist with President Obama's Inauguration events at the National Museum of American History.

My other passion in life is performing!  I've danced for Disney Cruise Line and most recently for Legends in Concert, Waikiki where I currently live.

My puppy Opy is my adorable pal and I recently got engaged to my honey, Tony!  
This blog makes me feel complete for I now have an outlet for my love of etiquette and entertaining and my family won't think I'm crazy!  hahaha

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to enjoy my quirky ideas!

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